In Situ UniAmp shallow for potentiomtric
In Situ UniAmp deep sea sensor
Built-in sensor polarization and signal amplification
Sensor-type specific
Placed directly on the microsensor

In Situ UniAmp

Waterproof amplifier and microsensor connector system

The In Situ UniAmp provides signal amplification close to the sensor tip for a stable and low noise signal path. The In Situ UniAmp Connectors allow easy sensor replacement during field work. Read more...

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In Situ UniAmp

Robust sensor signals and ease-of-use

The In Situ UniAmp and Connector System is an integrated part of our Field Systems portfolio including MiniProfiler MP4/8, Field Datalogger Mini, UnderWater Meter, and Deep Sea Lander.

Microsensors are sensitive and extremely accurate measuring tools. To avoid that the minute sensor signals (pA or mV) are influenced by background noise, the amplifier is placed directly on the microsensor. From here, the amplifier converts the sensor signal into a robust voltage signal, which is conducted to the datalogger through a high quality cable. In other words, the In Situ UniAmp functions as a miniaturized pA- or mV-meter and ensures high quality signals.

The In Situ UniAmp is sensor-type specific with built-in polarization of the sensor and amplification of the signal. Any sensor channel on your Field System can, therefore, be connected to any In Situ UniAmp. These amplifiers can easily be interchanged, both within and between instruments, giving you total flexibility for future studies.

In Situ UniAmp Shallow for amperometric
In Situ UniAmp shallow for potentiomtric
In Situ UniAmp Deep for amperometric

In Situ Connector System

The In Situ UniAmp Connector System is designed for mounting the sensor on the amplifier and for easy replacement of sensors while in the field.

  • Protects the sensor tip during handling and preparation
  • Provides pressure compensation at all depth
  • Simple snap-on mounting
  • Improved shielding for very stable signals, both in the lab and in the field
In Situ UniAmp Shallow connector
Depth Rating
Feature Standard
Limited warranty
1 year
Depth Rating
Product Shallow Water Deep Sea
Shallow Water
0-50 m
Deep Sea
0-6,000 m
In Situ UniAmp
Shallow Water
0-300 m
Deep Sea
0-6,000 m
In Situ UniAmp Connector
Shallow Water
0-300 m
Deep Sea
0-6,000 m

*Sensors to be used deeper than 50 m must be pressure compensated and may be used with both Shallow Water and Deep Sea.

Ordering information
Ordering information
Product Description
In Situ UniAmp Shallow Water
Please specify the sensor type
In Situ UniAmp Deep Sea
Please specify the sensor type
In Situ UniAmp Connector*
Please specify the sensor type | For Shallow Water or Deep Sea
In Situ UniAmp Connector Membrane
Replaceable silicone membrane for In Situ UniAmp Connector

*One In Situ Connector is included with each In Situ UniAmp.

Video Guides

How to mount microsensors in the In Situ UniAmp System

In Situ UniAmp

How to add electrolyte to deep sea sensors

In Situ UniAmp

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