Home Stories Zeiss Stereo Microscope optimized for your microsensor work

Zeiss Stereo Microscope optimized for your microsensor work

Our experts have worked closely with Zeiss to optimize lighting, focal distance, and maneuverability for microscale measurements.

With the Zeiss microscope and the SensorTrace Suite software, you can get live views of the sensor position together with the sensor signals and grab full frame images with the Zeiss color camera. The images are stored with your SensorTrace data file along with all relevant stamps like sensor signals, time and position (profiling setup). You can export the files for visualization and support of your microsensor results.

The Stereo Microscope solution includes:

  • Zeiss color camera
  • Flexible boom stand for stable and easy positioning of zoom optics
  • Optical range from 6.3x to 50x magnification
  • Working distance of 92 mm
  • Flexible fiber LED light
  • SensorTrace Suite software integration
Zeiss camera viewer

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