Home SensorTrace Suite Change Log

SensorTrace Suite Change Log

Here is an overview of updates made to SensorTrace Suite. If you have any questions, you are always welcome to reach out to us. We strive to answer within one workday.

SensorTrace Suite v3.4.700 (July 5th, 2024)


  • Correct channel handling for optode (Aanderaa) (FMM / FDL)
  • Stability for long term data recording
  • Display and export Motor (Z axis) depth for Photo application
  • Improved driver installation for Motor Controllers.


SensorTrace Suite v3.4.600 (February 28th, 2024)


  • TP-sensor crashes when opening previous experiment with TP-sensor calibrations
  • TP-sensor sometimes not recognized correctly (delayed recognition in FW)
  • Concentration calculators displays wrong calculation for some sensor types, eg. N2O and H2S and some units, eg. mm Hg
  • Bug regarding MMM multimeter not getting enough samples for Photo experiment
  • Improved motion safety for motor controllers

New features:

  • Full support for UniMOTCON with multiple axes
  • Full support for UniAmp in Photo application.
  • Losening restrictions for import of calibrations to allow FDL to import more calibrations
  • Profiling duration is now calculated for all motor velocities

New/updated manuals:
• N2O sensor calibration kit Standard concentration Manual
• N2O sensor User Manual

SensorTrace Suite v3.4.400 (June 22nd, 2023)

  • Fix for displaying "Comments" correctly.
  • Fix for TP sensors and calibration displayed correctly.
  • Fix for allowing import of TP Sensor calibrations on UniAmp.
  • Fix for Temp-UniAmp displayed as uncalibrated.
  • Fix for “Analog in”-channels (being displayed) when not activated.
  • Fix for MOTCON MotorTool crash.
  • New MOTCON driver to comply with Windows Core Isolation.
  • Fix for using latest “old” Opto measurements in experiments when (re-)starting after an “idle” period.
  • Fix for loading of “opto”-calibrations - push to sensor.
  • Fix for correct calibration ID in data export of Opto-sensor data.
  • New/updated manuals.

SensorTrace Suite v3.4.300 (January 27th, 2023)


  • AnalogIn (UniAmp) Activation, deactivation and status
  • AnalogOut - calibration status (UniAmp)
  • TP Sensor calibration status
  • Other minor fixes

SensorTrace Suite v3.4.200 (December 6th, 2022)

New features:

  • Support for Zeiss Axiocam 105 R2 (with RGB color gain / white balance)
  • Added info regarding saving the experiment out of OneDrive synchronization
  • UniAmp service UI adapts to displaying 5+ sensors/channels.


  • MOTCON sync bug fixed
  • Changed file naming functionality for opening "read only"-files
  • MiniDataLogger BatteryStates that was missing (Charging & ChargingComplete)
  • TP-200 temperature sensors are now able to change calibration on “old” experiments.

SensorTrace Suite v3.4.100 (July 8th, 2022)

New features and bug fixes: 

  • Check for UniAmp firmware version - to possibly recommend a firmware upgrade.
  • Check for cloud service synchronization - to warn about synchronization issues.


  • Profiling: Fix for allowing Activity analysis for sensors that has a selected calibration with μMol unit - even if the sensors default unit is not μMol.
  • Fix to avoid reverting to sensor/channel name after a renaming.

SensorTrace Suite v3.4.000 (April 4th, 2022)

New features and bug fixes: 

  • Support for Analog In-channels.
    • Presenting available “Analog In”-channels.
    • Enabling Analog In-channels (firmware).
    • Enabling/disabling Analog In--channels.
    • Photo application when using UniAmp w Light trigger via Analog In
    • Sensor type must be selected as LIGHT
  • Support for concurrent temperature measuring in Rate experiments (when available)


  • Fix for Rate Between calculation bug. Calculations would disappear for UI when selecting chamber.
  • Fix for TP-sensor: Now possible to create new calibration.
  • Fix for missing Units available for Opto channel/sensor on fx-3/fx-6 UniAmp


SensorTrace Suite v3.3.275 (November 23, 2021)

  • New features:
    • Support for analysis of multiple STOX sensors in same experiment (support 8 ch 48 hour 1 hz)
    • Improved experiment recalculation (faster)
  • Fixed:
    • Fix for correctly updating optode properties (active status/name/type) when connecting/disconnecting sensor.
    • Fix for unit displayed correctly for optodes on and fx-3/6 devices
    • Improved calibration handling (added persistence of sensor serial number to database to achieve higher relevance when importing)
    • Download file for SensorTrace Suite Setup with Zeiss support available online

SensorTraceSuite v3.3.225 - (August 31st 2021)

  • New features:
    • Added ability to import calibrations in and between Logger, Rate, Profiler, Photo.
    • Added ability to import Field Multimeter sensor calibrations to sensors with different units.
  • Fixed:
    • UniAmp sensors can only import calibrations from saved calibrations with same serial number.
    • Enabled STOX analysis functionality for O2/OX, Field and STOX sensor types.
    • Bug regarding continuing a calibration with a different sensor unit that the unit the calibration was originally created with. The units have to be the same or a new calibration is created.

SensorTraceSuite v3.3.200 - (July 2nd 2021)

  • New features:
    • STOX analysis
    • Added support for 27 new sensor sizes
    • Export of data from Live View
    • Changed Rate export to Excel to assign a tab for each chamber in same export file
    • New sensor support: NO3
  • Fixed:
    • Added ability to use Solubility temperature compensation and Sensor temperature compensation using manually entered temperature and logged temperature data points in “non-live” experiments.
    • Lab MC shows incorrect position after abort command.
    • Added warning dialog when detecting Lab MC with firmware v.4.03
    • Changed calibration import routine to allow multiple imports of the same calibration to different sensors
    • Added mV unit to Potentiometric sensor
    • Adjusted support for EP Sensors (was called Potentiometric)
    • Improved handling of disconnected devices - ie. better UX/UI in UniAmp System tray
    • Changed text “Salinity (ppm)” to “Salinity (‰)” in Concentration calculators
    • Added LoggerDemo.Ulog (STOX demo experiment)and RateDemo.urat
    • Only create shortcuts for Logger and rest of SensorTrace Suite “Unisense SensorTrace Suite”-Start Menu directory (on Desktop)
    • Added sensor type “Sulf” to types that support Solubility temperature compensation

SensorTrace Suite v3.3.175- (January 15th 2021)

  • Fixed:
    • Bug: Problem with import of saved calibration from older Suite result files.
    • Adjusted support for EP Sensors (name displayed as EP
    • Default unit selection: mV for EP sensors
    • Added mV unit to Potentiometric sensor
    • Improved handling of disconnected devices - allow 10 seconds for reconnecting before removing from device list
    • Resized Unit column in calibrations list for greater visibility
    • Bug: Fix for unit parsing and displaying in calibrations list
    • Bug: Fix for importing calibrations/opening experiments when units are now recognized correctly

SensorTrace Suite v3.3.150 - (December 7th 2020)

  • Fixed:
    • Bug: Problem with import of saved calibration from older Suite result files.

SensorTrace Suite v3.3.100 - (November 5th 2020)

  • New features:
    • Full calibrated analog out, including gain & offset option
    • Added Zeiss camera support
    • MOTCON support with LED/blink identification
    • Added calculators: H2, N2O, H2S
    • Temperature compensation using solubility B_number
    • EP potentiometric sensor
  • Known issues:
    • Motor controller bug on manual value entry value
  • Fixed:
    • Added 1 pt calibration on RD sensors, UniAmp AND Microsensor Multimeter
    • Better and faster scanning/enumeration for devices
    • Handling of A_number + A_number factory calibration
    • Recognize legacy pH/redox devices
    • Added certificate signing of Windows UniAmp Services and UniAmp system tray app
    • Bug: Installation problem on Win7 and Win10 32-bit systems.
    • Bug: Problem with import of saved calibration from older Suite result files.

SensorTrace Suite v3.2.000 - (March 26th, 2020)

Unisense instrument portfolio fully supported.

  • New features:
    • Added support for the new UniAmp Multi and Single channel instruments.
    • Added new Window Service with tray icon incl. sensor info and setup options.
    • Added STOX support in SensorTrace Suite using UniAmp instrument.
    • Temperature compensation of sensor data using UniAmp instrument.
    • Added E2PROM recognition of unique sensor data using UniAmp instrument.
    • Support for calibration of TP temperature sensors
    • Support for 1 point calibrations of Redox sensors
    • Support for displaying STOX reference signal (as sensor)
    • Sampling speed up to 10 HZ
    • Indication of UniAmp device serial number and firmware/hardware version.
    • Automatic channel selection for active channels
    • Support for calibration of TP temperature sensors
  • Known issues:
    • Calibration scaled analog output not implemented yet.
    • Optode signal status sometimes shown incorrectly (delay 1 minut).
  • Fixed:
    • Bug that could cause crash on x-5 UniAmp
    • Correct display of sensor serial number in UniAmp service display
    • Improved data stability with multiple UniAmp devices connected
    • Issue recognizing Opto-F4 UniAmp devices correctly
    • Issue with deactivating STOX
    • Sensor naming corrected for electrochemical and optical sensors.
    • Installation problems on some supported Windows platforms.
    • E2PROM storage of user calibration.
    • Import of Opto sensor calibration from E2PROM caused a software failure.
    • Changed naming of free channels from 'invalid' to 'none'.
    • mV-sensor shown for pA-sensors when experiment data is reloaded.
    • Optode signal status shown correctly.
    • fx-6 reloading of optode calibrations from files can fail.
    • Multiple Multimeter support (2009-2019 version)
    • Longterm logging support

SensorTrace Suite v3.1.196 - release candidate (RC5) (January 17th, 2020)

  • New features:
    • Support for calibration of TP temperature sensors
    • Support for 1 point calibrations of Redox sensors
    • Support for displaying STOX reference signal (as sensor)
    • Sampling speed up to 10 HZ
    • Indication of UniAmp device serial number and firmware/hardware version.
    • Automatic channel selection for active channels
  • Known issues:
    • Calibration scaled analog output not implemented yet.
    • fx-6 reloading of optode calibrations from files can fail.
    • Only fix calibration temperature available for optodes.
    • Optode signal status sometimes shown incorrectly.
  • Fixed:
    • Bug that could cause crash on x-5 UniAmp
    • Correct display of sensor serial number in UniAmp service display
    • Improved data stability with multiple UniAmp devices connected
    • Issue recognizing Opto-F4 UniAmp devices correctly
    • Issue with deactivating STOX