SensorTrace Suite Change Log
SensorTrace Suite v3.4.700 (July 5th, 2024)
- Correct channel handling for optode (Aanderaa) (FMM / FDL)
- Stability for long term data recording
- Display and export Motor (Z axis) depth for Photo application
- Improved driver installation for Motor Controllers.
SensorTrace Suite v3.4.600 (February 28th, 2024)
- TP-sensor crashes when opening previous experiment with TP-sensor calibrations
- TP-sensor sometimes not recognized correctly (delayed recognition in FW)
- Concentration calculators displays wrong calculation for some sensor types, eg. N2O and H2S and some units, eg. mm Hg
- Bug regarding MMM multimeter not getting enough samples for Photo experiment
- Improved motion safety for motor controllers
New features:
- Full support for UniMOTCON with multiple axes
- Full support for UniAmp in Photo application.
- Losening restrictions for import of calibrations to allow FDL to import more calibrations
- Profiling duration is now calculated for all motor velocities
New/updated manuals:
• N2O sensor calibration kit Standard concentration Manual
• N2O sensor User Manual
SensorTrace Suite v3.4.400 (June 22nd, 2023)
- Fix for displaying "Comments" correctly.
- Fix for TP sensors and calibration displayed correctly.
- Fix for allowing import of TP Sensor calibrations on UniAmp.
- Fix for Temp-UniAmp displayed as uncalibrated.
- Fix for “Analog in”-channels (being displayed) when not activated.
- Fix for MOTCON MotorTool crash.
- New MOTCON driver to comply with Windows Core Isolation.
- Fix for using latest “old” Opto measurements in experiments when (re-)starting after an “idle” period.
- Fix for loading of “opto”-calibrations - push to sensor.
- Fix for correct calibration ID in data export of Opto-sensor data.
- New/updated manuals.
SensorTrace Suite v3.4.300 (January 27th, 2023)
- AnalogIn (UniAmp) Activation, deactivation and status
- AnalogOut - calibration status (UniAmp)
- TP Sensor calibration status
- Other minor fixes
SensorTrace Suite v3.4.200 (December 6th, 2022)
New features:
- Support for Zeiss Axiocam 105 R2 (with RGB color gain / white balance)
- Added info regarding saving the experiment out of OneDrive synchronization
- UniAmp service UI adapts to displaying 5+ sensors/channels.
- MOTCON sync bug fixed
- Changed file naming functionality for opening "read only"-files
- MiniDataLogger BatteryStates that was missing (Charging & ChargingComplete)
- TP-200 temperature sensors are now able to change calibration on “old” experiments.
SensorTrace Suite v3.4.100 (July 8th, 2022)
New features and bug fixes:
- Check for UniAmp firmware version - to possibly recommend a firmware upgrade.
- Check for cloud service synchronization - to warn about synchronization issues.
- Profiling: Fix for allowing Activity analysis for sensors that has a selected calibration with μMol unit - even if the sensors default unit is not μMol.
- Fix to avoid reverting to sensor/channel name after a renaming.
SensorTrace Suite v3.4.000 (April 4th, 2022)
New features and bug fixes:
- Support for Analog In-channels.
- Presenting available “Analog In”-channels.
- Enabling Analog In-channels (firmware).
- Enabling/disabling Analog In--channels.
- Photo application when using UniAmp w Light trigger via Analog In
- Sensor type must be selected as LIGHT
- Support for concurrent temperature measuring in Rate experiments (when available)
- Fix for Rate Between calculation bug. Calculations would disappear for UI when selecting chamber.
- Fix for TP-sensor: Now possible to create new calibration.
- Fix for missing Units available for Opto channel/sensor on fx-3/fx-6 UniAmp
SensorTrace Suite v3.3.275 (November 23, 2021)
- New features:
- Support for analysis of multiple STOX sensors in same experiment (support 8 ch 48 hour 1 hz)
- Improved experiment recalculation (faster)
- Fixed:
- Fix for correctly updating optode properties (active status/name/type) when connecting/disconnecting sensor.
- Fix for unit displayed correctly for optodes on and fx-3/6 devices
- Improved calibration handling (added persistence of sensor serial number to database to achieve higher relevance when importing)
- Download file for SensorTrace Suite Setup with Zeiss support available online
SensorTraceSuite v3.3.225 - (August 31st 2021)
- New features:
- Added ability to import calibrations in and between Logger, Rate, Profiler, Photo.
- Added ability to import Field Multimeter sensor calibrations to sensors with different units.
- Fixed:
- UniAmp sensors can only import calibrations from saved calibrations with same serial number.
- Enabled STOX analysis functionality for O2/OX, Field and STOX sensor types.
- Bug regarding continuing a calibration with a different sensor unit that the unit the calibration was originally created with. The units have to be the same or a new calibration is created.
SensorTraceSuite v3.3.200 - (July 2nd 2021)
- New features:
- STOX analysis
- Added support for 27 new sensor sizes
- Export of data from Live View
- Changed Rate export to Excel to assign a tab for each chamber in same export file
- New sensor support: NO3
- Fixed:
- Added ability to use Solubility temperature compensation and Sensor temperature compensation using manually entered temperature and logged temperature data points in “non-live” experiments.
- Lab MC shows incorrect position after abort command.
- Added warning dialog when detecting Lab MC with firmware v.4.03
- Changed calibration import routine to allow multiple imports of the same calibration to different sensors
- Added mV unit to Potentiometric sensor
- Adjusted support for EP Sensors (was called Potentiometric)
- Improved handling of disconnected devices - ie. better UX/UI in UniAmp System tray
- Changed text “Salinity (ppm)” to “Salinity (‰)” in Concentration calculators
- Added LoggerDemo.Ulog (STOX demo experiment)and RateDemo.urat
- Only create shortcuts for Logger and rest of SensorTrace Suite “Unisense SensorTrace Suite”-Start Menu directory (on Desktop)
- Added sensor type “Sulf” to types that support Solubility temperature compensation
SensorTrace Suite v3.3.175- (January 15th 2021)
- Fixed:
- Bug: Problem with import of saved calibration from older Suite result files.
- Adjusted support for EP Sensors (name displayed as EP
- Default unit selection: mV for EP sensors
- Added mV unit to Potentiometric sensor
- Improved handling of disconnected devices - allow 10 seconds for reconnecting before removing from device list
- Resized Unit column in calibrations list for greater visibility
- Bug: Fix for unit parsing and displaying in calibrations list
- Bug: Fix for importing calibrations/opening experiments when units are now recognized correctly
SensorTrace Suite v3.3.150 - (December 7th 2020)
- Fixed:
- Bug: Problem with import of saved calibration from older Suite result files.
SensorTrace Suite v3.3.100 - (November 5th 2020)
- New features:
- Full calibrated analog out, including gain & offset option
- Added Zeiss camera support
- MOTCON support with LED/blink identification
- Added calculators: H2, N2O, H2S
- Temperature compensation using solubility B_number
- EP potentiometric sensor
- Known issues:
- Motor controller bug on manual value entry value
- Fixed:
- Added 1 pt calibration on RD sensors, UniAmp AND Microsensor Multimeter
- Better and faster scanning/enumeration for devices
- Handling of A_number + A_number factory calibration
- Recognize legacy pH/redox devices
- Added certificate signing of Windows UniAmp Services and UniAmp system tray app
- Bug: Installation problem on Win7 and Win10 32-bit systems.
- Bug: Problem with import of saved calibration from older Suite result files.
SensorTrace Suite v3.2.000 - (March 26th, 2020)
Unisense instrument portfolio fully supported.
- New features:
- Added support for the new UniAmp Multi and Single channel instruments.
- Added new Window Service with tray icon incl. sensor info and setup options.
- Added STOX support in SensorTrace Suite using UniAmp instrument.
- Temperature compensation of sensor data using UniAmp instrument.
- Added E2PROM recognition of unique sensor data using UniAmp instrument.
- Support for calibration of TP temperature sensors
- Support for 1 point calibrations of Redox sensors
- Support for displaying STOX reference signal (as sensor)
- Sampling speed up to 10 HZ
- Indication of UniAmp device serial number and firmware/hardware version.
- Automatic channel selection for active channels
- Support for calibration of TP temperature sensors
- Known issues:
- Calibration scaled analog output not implemented yet.
- Optode signal status sometimes shown incorrectly (delay 1 minut).
- Fixed:
- Bug that could cause crash on x-5 UniAmp
- Correct display of sensor serial number in UniAmp service display
- Improved data stability with multiple UniAmp devices connected
- Issue recognizing Opto-F4 UniAmp devices correctly
- Issue with deactivating STOX
- Sensor naming corrected for electrochemical and optical sensors.
- Installation problems on some supported Windows platforms.
- E2PROM storage of user calibration.
- Import of Opto sensor calibration from E2PROM caused a software failure.
- Changed naming of free channels from 'invalid' to 'none'.
- mV-sensor shown for pA-sensors when experiment data is reloaded.
- Optode signal status shown correctly.
- fx-6 reloading of optode calibrations from files can fail.
- Multiple Multimeter support (2009-2019 version)
- Longterm logging support
SensorTrace Suite v3.1.196 - release candidate (RC5) (January 17th, 2020)
- New features:
- Support for calibration of TP temperature sensors
- Support for 1 point calibrations of Redox sensors
- Support for displaying STOX reference signal (as sensor)
- Sampling speed up to 10 HZ
- Indication of UniAmp device serial number and firmware/hardware version.
- Automatic channel selection for active channels
- Known issues:
- Calibration scaled analog output not implemented yet.
- fx-6 reloading of optode calibrations from files can fail.
- Only fix calibration temperature available for optodes.
- Optode signal status sometimes shown incorrectly.
- Fixed:
- Bug that could cause crash on x-5 UniAmp
- Correct display of sensor serial number in UniAmp service display
- Improved data stability with multiple UniAmp devices connected
- Issue recognizing Opto-F4 UniAmp devices correctly
- Issue with deactivating STOX