Unisense A/S has a network of authorized and trained distributors to sell and support local markets. If your country is not listed below we sell and support directly in your country.
North America
Contact our local sales representative USA & Canada
Laura Woods
E-mail: lw@unisense.com

Shanghai ViZai Science and Technology Co.,Ltd
Room 502-504, Green Business Mansion, No. 701, Daning Road,
Shanghai 200072
P.R. China
Att. Brave Shu
E-mail: belindajin@vip.163.com
Web: www.vizai.cc

Central Scientific Commerce, Inc.
3F Tani-building, 1-28-6 Kameido, Koto-ku,
Tokyo, 136-0071
Phone: +81-3-5627-8150
E-mail: inoue@cscjp.co.jp
Web: www.cscjp.co.jp

Republic of Korea
Interface Engineering Co. Ltd.
BMS Bldg., 22 Yeoksam-ro 7-gil
Gangnam-ku, Seoul 135-936
Tel: + 82-2-3471-4600
Fax: + 82-2-3454-1176
E-mail: info@interface.co.kr
Web: www.interface.co.kr

Marsap Services Pvt. Ltd.
29 Ujagar Industrial Estate
WTP Marg, Deonar
Mumbai – 400088,
Phone: +91-22-25516908 / 25555137
Fax: +91-22-25563366
E-mail: sales@marsap.com
Web: www.marsap.com

LUNUS Comércio e Representação
Avenida Cassiano Ricardo, nº 601 - Sala 212 - 12º andar
Edifício The One Office Tower
Jardim Aquárius
São José dos Campos / SP
CEP: 12.246-870
Contact: Mr. Marcus Moraes
Phone: + 55 (12) 3202.8100
Fax: +55 (12) 3202.8111
E-mail: marcus@lunus.com.br / lunus@lunus.com.br
Web: www.lunus.com.br

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