Celebrating 25 Years of Microsensors
We know sensors. And now we have a quarter of a century’s experience in making, developing and applying sensors.
In 1998, 7 researchers from Aarhus University founded Unisense with the aim of developing and producing high performance microsensors for biomedical and biological applications.
The very foundation of our company is to enable microscale research. We are 25 years down the road, and we have 2,747 peer-reviewed publications on our website to show for it.
We regularly receive enquiries for sensors adapted to our original amplifier, PA2000, and just last year we helped a research group with an update of their 1999 lander system. We are thrilled every time our clients confirm that our products are made to last.

Speaking of being made to last, all seven founders continue to be a part of Unisense today. Dr. Lars Hauer Larsen, who is one of the founders, still spends his days at Unisense as he can celebrate his 25th anniversary. Lars has been responsible for the development and production of sensors since 1998.
The founders of Unisense are Jens Kristian Gundersen, Niels Peter Revsbech, Lars Peter Nielsen, Lars Riis Damgaard, Lars Hauer Larsen, Ole Pedersen, and Thomas Kjær.
Our goal is to continue to be a trusted supplier, develop new sensors, and adhere to the values of our company.
We will also continue to explore new opportunities that our sensors make possible. So far, our sensors have laid the foundation for the three successful spinouts:
Unisense Fertilitech which is now part of Vitrolife that helps maximise IVF (In Vitro Fertilisation) clinic success: www.vitrolife.com
Sulfilogger provides H2S measurements for industrial applications: www.sulfilogger.com
Unisense Environment provides real-time N2O measurements for wastewater treatment plants: www.unisense-environment.com
None of this would be possible without you, our microsensor users. Thank you for your support and for continuing to find new exciting research applications for our microsensors.