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Measuring in Rhizosphere

Study plant root microenvironment - An example of a study in sea grass-vegetated sediment in the Philippines is shown below (data from Pedersen O, Borum J, and Greve TM).

In this study, the microsensors for pH, oxygen, and sulfide gas were mounted on an autonomous profiling unit (Unisense MiniProfiler MP4) and operated from a boat.

The microsensors detected an oxygen penetration of about 8 mm. Deeper down some oxygen peaks were recorded where the microsensor encountered a root of the macrophyte. This influenced the sulfide concentration because sulfide oxidation occurs in these microzones. Without the use of microsensors, it would have been very difficult to show this phenomenon.

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Hupfer et al (2003) completed microprofiles of oxygen, pH, and redox around the roots of P. Crispus and E. Caradensis. Roots were fixed in a setup with a supporting frame. Unisense microsensors were placed directly at the roots surface and covered with homogenized and flooded sediment. After an adaptation time of min. 30 minutes, vertical microprofiles of oxygen, redox, and pH were measured with a spatial resolution of 100 µm.

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