Home Application Notes Effects of Global Warming in Arctic lake
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Effects of global warming in Arctic lake

Contemporary limnology of the rapidly changing glacierized watershed of the world’s largest High Arctic lake

Dr. Kyra St. Pierre and her colleagues at University of Alberta published a new paper in Nature Scientific Reports from the high arctic lake Hazen. The Unisense Field Microprofiling System and microsensors for O2, pH and Redox were used to quantify the effects of increased glacial runoff on sediment processes in a high arctic lake.

The FMM data really strengthened our argument that glacial inputs have a huge impact on the biogeochemistry of downstream lakes, altering not only just the chemistry of the lake, but also the ecology.” - Dr. Kyra St. Pierre.

The input of glacial meltwater to the world’s largest high arctic lake has increased 10-fold since 2007 due to warming. Microprofiles of O2, pH and Redox clearly indicated that the input of organic matter to the sediment was related to the input of meltwater from the different glacial rivers discharging into the lake.

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Read the paper here (open access):

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