Flowcell glass
Flowcell steel
Flowcell PEEK
FT-cell 1/4'' or 1/8'' Swagelok Tee -SL-1/4 or 1/8
FT-cell 1/8'' or 1/16'' PEEK Tee -PEEK-1/8 or 1/16
Glass FT-cell 6 or 8 mm outer diameter -FT-GLASS-6 or 8

Flow (FT-)cell

Glass, stainless steel, or PEEK flow cell for flow-through system measurements

You can have most Unisense microsensors mounted in flow cells to make measurements in a flow-through system. The flow cell is available in a glass version, a stainless steel version, and a PEEK version. Read more...

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Flow Cell

Measure with Unisense microsensors in a flow cell

Glass flow cell

The glass flow cell is fixed on the microsensor with a protection cap. This flow cell is available in two sizes:

1: Inner diameter 4 mm, outer diameter 6 mm
2. Inner diameter 6 mm, outer diameter 8 mm

Tubing should fit tightly around the flow cell ends.

Flowcell glass

Stainless steel flow cell

The stainless steel flow cell is pressure tolerant for measurements in high-pressure systems. This flow cell is pressure resistant to up 10 bar. It is based on a Swagelok© T-piece for either 1/4 or 1/8 inch tubing.

Flowcell steel

PEEK flow cell

The PEEK flow cell is for 1/8 or 1/16 inch tubing.

The sensor size, response time, and sensitivity are chosen to match the flow rate and system characteristics.

Flowcell PEEK
Item no Description
Item no
Sensor in glass FT-cell 6 mm outer diameter
Item no
Sensor in glass FT-cell 8 mm outer diameter
Item no
Sensor in FT-cell 1/4'' Swagelok Tee
Item no
Sensor in FT-cell 1/8'' Swagelok Tee
Item no
Sensor in FT-cell 1/8'' PEEK Tee
Item no
Sensor in FT-cell 1/16'' PEEK Tee

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