MR sensor
MR System
Sensor guide for MicroRespiration -MR

MR Sensor Guide

Stable and easy handling of the sensor during MicroRespiration measurements

The sensor guide consists of a blue aluminum shaft and a plastic pipette tip. We have designed it for use with the MicroRespiration System where you measure in small chambers placed in a chamber rack. The design of the chambers, rack, and sensor guide ensure that you have the required sensor stability during measurements, and the shaft facilitates easy and safe handling.

During movement, the sensor is retracted into the top of the shaft. Between measurements, the sensor guide is fixed between the top bar of the chamber rack and the capillary hole in the chamber lid. For measurements, the sensor is lowered down through the shaft and fixed in this position.

The sensor guide can be mounted on O2, NO, N2O, H2S, H2, pH, Redox and Temperature sensors.

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